
Featured Playlist: Jewelry Songs


Peter's Wise Words?

Old friends would know who Peter is, and who he is/was in my life. Here are some of his quotes that have made their home in my phone for... well, a long time. :P (check out the dates, they're for real.)

I lost some of his quotes when my first 6610 (the black one) got stolen, these are quotes stored in the Archives of my 6610i (the blue, [now pink] one). Two years old and still living. XD

God won't ask you whether or not you want to live.
The question He asks is how you are going to live life.

Learn from other people's mistakes because you won't live long enough to make all of them yourself.

It is your own face that you see reflected in the water,
and it is your own self that you see in your heart.

There are times that the simplest solution to a problem
also happens to be the best and most practical.

The same is true with life and its intricacies.

The circle of life opens and closes.
The wheel of fate rolls.
Life is not all hugs and kisses, it's also a bit of rock and roll.

Waste your time with your friends.
Live life for the moment, laugh often, be immature, do anything and everything;
and if it's something you'll regret in the morning, sleep late...
and when you wake up, laugh about it with your friends.

Because friends matter most.

When you have them,
you have absolutely everything...

There are only two experiences that can define human life.
One is the personal supposit, wherein you get hit by every sh*t the world has to offer.

The other one lets you become the sh*t thrower.

There are times that we need to act on our own accord.
Otherwise something else or nothing at all happens.

Only those people who defy the truth, dreamers and such, make a difference in the world.

A friend defines the REAL meaning of friendship...

It isn't based on how many secrets you share,
it isn't how well you get along nor how much you like each other,
it isn't how people see you together...

But it appreciates the differences,
the gaps, the hindrances, the trials, and still...

A friend looks at you, straight from the heart...
without hatred,
without judgment,
without envy,
without prejudice;

Only pure acceptance and respect.

This quote I dedicate to Arlie.

Sometimes walls aren't meant to keep people out of your life.
They are also meant to find out who has the courage to stay by your side.

Never listen to other people's tendencies to be negative or pessimistic because they take your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you and the ones you have in your heart. Always think of the power that words have because everything you hear and read will affect your actions. Therefore, always be positive. And above all, be deaf when people tell you that you cannot fulfill your dreams.

One cannot question the existence of feelings; they are there, raw and undeniable. But one can choose to not nurture what is felt. Yet, no matter what they say, what has been felt will always be more honest than what was chosen.
Hence, true realities are not built by the mind but by the heart...

A quote that hit me like a brick. Dedicated to the people who....
Our prime purpose in this life is to love others...

and if you can't love them,

at least don't hurt them.

A quote that reminded me of the pains of falling in love.
Math tells us three of the saddest love stories.

Tangent lines who had one chance to meet and then parted forever.

Parallel lines who were never meant to meet.

And asymptotes who can get closer and closer but will never be together.

Life has the potential for endless change and growth... and faith and hope are always available to guide you.
Remember that life has its cycles just like the seasons,
that success is planted like a seed in every failure,
and that within every ending is a new beginning...
A quote that he sent just when I was hoping for someone to answer my questions. x_x
You have to stop waiting for someone to come and fix what's wrong.
You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself and realize that no one holds the answer.
You just have to be your own hero...

This quote was sent today. I was like... OUCH. *dead*
The minute you think of giving up,
think of the reason why you held on for so long.

But minimize your expectations to avoid disappointment.


I remember something he said after he knew that I was playing Audition, and that I had problems with some of my friends there. I don't remember everything but this is part of what he said:

What a coincidence... They always said the world's a stage and God is the DJ. Keep dancing to life's music, and I'll continue watching.

Damned memory gap. XD

Uriel. You never cease to amaze me. Haha. ;)